Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2012 Turkey

Once again, B will have to work tomorrow, which is a bummer.

However, that's not going to stop me from starting a turkey tonight. Insane deals, I bought a 19lb frozen bird from Ralph's for about $12, which I will roast off tonight.

Following my 2010 turkey recipe, I anticipate roasting time of about 3 hours.

Here are some changes from last year:

  1. Rosemary and 1/2 onion in cavity, no lemon
  2. No butter on outside of skin, only under skin; dry outside well and salt liberally
  3. Less butter under skin (only about 4 tbsp)
  4. Roast @ 500F for 30 min
  5. At about 25min of roasting, added 1c chicken stock and 1c white wine (Pinot Gris)
  6. Roast @ 350F for about 3 hours
Results to come...

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